Jim Brunner Ministries, Inc. (JBMI) was formed in 1976 after six years of laboring with Pastor John Casteel and other pastors in the pioneering of "Grace to the Nations" in Tucson, Arizona. Grace was established in 1970 where the Lord brought the "Jesus People" movement among the young people together with the "charismatic movement" among denominational people to form one fellowship that would have an impact on the community. It certainly was God as many thousands came to the Lord and many of them continue to worship together there.
Gradually, Jim became concerned that across the nation many believers in this movement were beginning to follow signs rather than the Lord Jesus Himself. He was being invited to minister in many places across the nation to help groups of "Spirit baptized Christians" who were struggling in situations where their testimonies were not being received in their local Churches. Usually in such cases new fellowships were necessary. Jesus said, "new wine" should be put in "new wineskins." Therefore, in the fall of 1976 JBMI was formed and he gave up his pastoral duties to follow this call to minister on a larger and wider scale. He and Barbe continue to call Grace to the Nations in Tucson their home Church and help the ministry there in any way they can.
These traveling opportunities were the beginning of a ministry that would take Jim and Barbe from coast to coast in the States, Canada and Mexico. Then in the early 1980s the Lord opened doors into the Continent of Africa through International CFO. There they met several pastors and found new converts who were called into ministry to their own people. JBMI began channeling state side finances for the new Grace Chapel in the Mathari Valley outside of Nairobi Kenya, Ematsayi Mission in the bush country of western Kenya and a Bible School in Kumasi, Ghana. Now, JBMI supports works in England and Belize, Central America as well.
In November of 2000, spinal surgery for a benign tumor left Jim physically unable to travel as much as before. Since then, he and Barbe have increasingly concentrated their work in Southern Arizona, especially in their home town of Tucson. With a diminished opportunity to share the overseas projects with the public, the need for a "Jim Brunner Ministries" web site seemed obvious. Their prayer is that many will use and share this site as a way to contribute to the support of these and other labors of Christ that do not have the ability to raise funds for themselves, but who are doing an awesome job of spreading the gospel and aiding and providing for the needs of those whom God has given them. The great commission has not changed. The need is greater each day. If we are not called or equipped to "go" we have an obligation to help those who are sent.