“on the eighth day, when it was time to circumcise Him, He was named Jesus, the name the angel had given Him before He had been conceived.” (Luke 2:21)
Lots of folk stayed up late last night celebrating the arrival of the New Year, 2021. Many make New Year resolutions on January 1st that do not last two weeks. But something happened on this date years ago that few celebrate. We will wake up hearing how
bad 2020 was because of this Covid-19 infection that has spread around the world. We've lost friends to this infection. Yet God is still on the throne! At bedtime I will read a passage of scripture to Barbe and God willing, we will sleep at peace because of our faith in Jesus Christ. What a difference between the evening news and the peace God offers.
Yes, in this world of selfish people, the Kingdom of God is growing by the millions! Our Evening News will say nothing about it but believe it, countless numbers are coming to the Lord Jesus each day! We celebrated the birth of our Savior 8 days ago, today something incredibly special happened to Jesus. Joseph and Mary presented the Son of God to the priest at the Temple and He was circumcised on this first day of the year shedding His blood by circumcision as a Jewish boy born of the Virgin Mary. At around 30 years of age, His sinless blood was shed on the Cross, witnessed in silence by Father God! Then He arose appearing to many and fifty days later, He ascended into Heaven while many watched. Then on Pentecost the Spirit fell on those 120 Jews waiting at the Upper Room. They all found great joy, forgiveness, and New Life “in Christ.” The Holy Spirit fell on them and they praised God in the tongues of the languages of those listening. That day, Peter stood up and shared the first anointed message and 5000 Jews believed.
Jesus gave us communion, where in faith we eat the bread, and drink the wine remembering what Jesus has done! Soon the disciples were taking the gospel across the Roman Empire. God is on the move today as countless new believers are coming to Christ. Share your faith with others for Christ is soon to return!